Wednesday, May 12, 2010


It has always been a dream of mine to have people know me and want to take pictures of me.

I lied. That has never been a dream of mine because I would prefer to live a simple life then a life of the Rich and Famous.

So while at work today a group of Filipinos came in and asked for a table. In case you where wondering, I love the Filipino people A LOT. Their food, their love, their hospitality. Just everything about them. So having a group walk in is not something I dread at all, nor is it out of the ordinary.

Well the group that walked in where tourists from the Philippines who where leaving the next day. They walked in and two of them stood next to the Statue of Liberty we have in the front and started taking pictures. Then they told Jessica and I to jump in. The next thing I knew, the woman had her arm around me and I was in the picture.

During their dinner, one lady kept on getting up and taking pictures of me and her. As she was leaving she got one last picture of me next to the statue.

I can't say I've been in so many random peoples photos before. And I have really no idea why they kept on taking pictures of me. It's not like I am super tall, or blond, or have the looks of a model. Maybe they just thought I looked like Lady Gaga? Hmmm....

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